New Book: You Are My Magical Unicorn by Joyce Wan December 26, 2018 00:36

The magic of the holidays continues as I am delighted to announce the publication of my latest board book, You Are My Magical Unicorn, which is officially out today! A sparkly ode to believing in yourself and perseverance—with a unicorn twist. Not only is this book great for all the little unicorn lovers in your life but also for anyone who might need a loving message of hope, persistence, and encouragement. 

Where to purchase:
Barnes and Noble
Indiebound (I encourage you to support your local independent bookstore whenever you can. 
Most book stores should be able to order you a copy if it's not in stock.)
Book Depository (free worldwide delivery)

Hope your holiday season has been joyous and best wishes for a New Year filled with magic and wonder!
