Gratitude Giveaway: 6 Signed Books December 9, 2014 23:19 211 Comments

'Tis the season of gratitude and giving so let's have a giveaway shall we? Besides, I think a giveaway that includes my latest book Sleepyheads is long overdue! I'm also including signed copies of You Are My Cupcake, We Belong Together, Hug You Kiss You Love You, and My Lucky Little Dragon.
To make it even more exciting, I'm throwing in my YET-TO-BE-RELEASED board book due out December 30th, Are You My Mommy?!
To enter, simply finish this sentence in the comment section below.
This holiday season I'm most grateful for ______________________.
**BONUS! For an additional entry, share this giveaway on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media network and leave me a separate comment with the link. The giveaway ends Saturday, December 20th at 12PM EST. One (1) winner will be selected in a random drawing from among all entries received. (Open to residents of U.S. and Canada only, please.)
Good Luck!
Lucy Richards on January 5, 2015 15:44
my family, friends and job.
Anita Martin on January 5, 2015 15:44
God’s wisdom in knowing when to make opportunities available at the right time. Just when I decided to follow my 25ish year dream of writing children’s books, He made a class available to me right in my own backyard, so my new adventure has begun!
Polly on January 5, 2015 15:44
I’m most grateful the snores of my dog, the birds over the path, accumulating kb of my novel in a smooth screened iMac, the hum of a fridgerator with food in it, and the little angels tucked safe in their beds.
jery on January 5, 2015 15:44
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my husband, who works so hard to give me and our little one the best life; the fact that on a daily basis, my little one laughs so hard that he gives himself hiccups; that i’ve experienced more generosity than greed.
jery on January 5, 2015 15:44
i tweeted about it :)
Hilary on January 5, 2015 15:44
my health, and the health of my family and friends.
Jaime Lombardi on January 5, 2015 15:44
My healthy, happy, beautiful family!
Evelyn on January 5, 2015 15:44
The blessing of the dawning of each day, that whatever it holds is all part of the master builder’s plan for my time on earth!
Ande Davis on January 5, 2015 15:44
This holiday season, I’m most grateful for a break and a new baby (not necessarily coinciding).
Margaret P. on January 5, 2015 15:44
my family! I’m so glad we moved back home to NC after my son was born so we live in the same town as my parents & sister.
Margaret P. on January 5, 2015 15:44
My son & I just adore your books! So of course I shared :)
Ande Davis on January 5, 2015 15:44
I love your books, by the way. We bought the cupcake one for my (as yet unborn) second child.
Michelle Gibbs on January 5, 2015 15:44
the fact that my 2 cats and 2 dogs haven’t conspired to bring down our Christmas tree!
terry w on January 5, 2015 15:44
health & family & friends
Nikki on January 5, 2015 15:44
I am most grateful for my husband, my son, and my dog!
Rich on January 5, 2015 15:44
Family, Friends, and Love!
Six Signed Children's Books Giveaway - Giveaway Promote on January 5, 2015 15:44
[…] Enter this Giveaway at Wanart […]
Kat on January 5, 2015 15:44
My family, my job, and pizza.
Katrina on January 5, 2015 15:44
My husband, Ken, who supports all my artistic endeavors, family and wonderful friends!
Tanya on January 5, 2015 15:44
I’m most grateful for my 8 month old son Nicholas and my husband. Both of whom bring so much joy into my life and have given me the kind of love I never could have dreamed of.
Tanya on January 5, 2015 15:44
Shared here:
Jaime on January 5, 2015 15:44
I am most grateful for my family’s health this holiday season.
janet on January 5, 2015 15:44
My two grandsons born two months apart…fast friends already
Linda Kish on January 5, 2015 15:44
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my kids and my health.
Erika on January 5, 2015 15:44
Mu sweet cupcake and chubby lil pumpkin!
Silvia D on January 5, 2015 15:44
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my family and that we are all healthy so far!
Silvia D on January 5, 2015 15:44
shared on FB
Silvia D on January 5, 2015 15:44
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Silvia D on January 5, 2015 15:44
shared on Pinterest
Heather Walker on January 5, 2015 15:44
My healthy niece and nephew who mean the world to me!
Amanda on January 5, 2015 15:44
I am most thankful for health for my mom!
Amanda on January 5, 2015 15:44
shared on twitter!
Cassidy Biesinger on January 5, 2015 15:44
my own little cupcake, who absolutely adores your books!
Karen B on January 5, 2015 15:44
Knowing I can help family friends in some way.
Rebecca Marno on January 5, 2015 15:44
My Children, I cant wait until christmas day to see the excitement on their faces and spend the day with family <3
Camille Powell on January 5, 2015 15:44
my grandchildren who love to read!
Angie Carroll on January 5, 2015 15:44
I am most grateful for my family!
Kristi Valiant on January 5, 2015 15:44
My 2 little girly girls, my husband, and Jesus. And cupcakes are pretty great too.
Brian on January 5, 2015 15:44
This holiday season I’m most grateful for the love from my family and friends
Darlene Cruz on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am most thankful for my life and my family, halleluyah!!
Catherine Wooster on January 5, 2015 15:43
My daughter’s ????
Chieu on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am grateful for my family.
Jill Trevarthen on January 5, 2015 15:43
I’m most grateful for my health, family and friends!
Jill Trevarthen on January 5, 2015 15:43
Gratitude #Giveaway: 6 Signed Books via @wanart
Shared on Twitter!
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my family, friends those all around
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
sandra on January 5, 2015 15:43
my loving and caring husband
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
Dorothy Boucher on January 5, 2015 15:43
Cathy Bonnell on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season as I wrap gifts for homeless children (who requested a blanket) I as most grateful for my education, my family & my home.
Windy Phillips on January 5, 2015 15:43
My family.
terry myers on January 5, 2015 15:43
Being with my family and friends
Stephanie on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am most grateful for my friends and family and the ability to go back to school.
gayle gildehaus on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am most grateful for my six awesome kids and the life we have together.
Maegan delorme on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am most grateful for my healthy family, and hard working husband.
katie on January 5, 2015 15:43
Sara Theissen on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my husband, family, and friends.
Lisa on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for a growing, healthy family.
Sheila K on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am grateful for books and the joy of reading!
Michelle C on January 5, 2015 15:43
Family and friends
Michelle C on January 5, 2015 15:43
Shared on Facebook:
Nicole Lancaster on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I am most grateful for my family’s health.
Nicole Lancaster on January 5, 2015 15:43
Shared on Twitter-
ken ohl on January 5, 2015 15:43
I’m grateful for my mother and wife to be recovering from some serious health issues.
heather kaufman on January 5, 2015 15:43
My kids!!!
Pamela Landau Marietta on January 5, 2015 15:43
I’m grateful for my 2-month-old granddaughter Clara Jeanne. I’ve had cancer two times and never dreamed I’d live long enough to see and hold a grandchild…it’s so wonderful.
Jessica Whitehouse on January 5, 2015 15:43
I’m grateful for my children, and my husband, who is my partner in this adventure called life.
Jessica Whitehouse on January 5, 2015 15:43
Stacey Roberson on January 5, 2015 15:43
being able to spend Christmas with my two healthy, beautiful children.
Stacey Roberson on January 5, 2015 15:43
patrick nguyen on January 5, 2015 15:43
Family, friends, and being alive
Elaine R on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am grateful for the blessed addition of a grandchild to the family!
Stacy S. Jensen on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my son’s discovery of Christmas.
hyunjoo Lee on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am most grateful for my healthy and beautiful family and job!
anne on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my children, family and friends!
anne on January 5, 2015 15:43
Saundra McKenzie on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my hubby getting to go home to see his Dad before he passes.
crystal sheckles-gibson on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I am most grateful for my sweet daughter and loving family.
crystal sheckles-gibson on January 5, 2015 15:43 I tweeted @crystalsgibson
Megan on January 5, 2015 15:43
family, health, and job!
Michelle C on January 5, 2015 15:43
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Michelle C on January 5, 2015 15:43
Pinned on Pinterest:
Michelle C on January 5, 2015 15:43
Tweeted on twitter:
janell wagner on January 5, 2015 15:43
my family and our health
janell wagner on January 5, 2015 15:43
shared on twitter
golden storm on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am most grateful for my children, my two older grandchildren and 3 month old grandson
Daniela on January 5, 2015 15:43
GOD! Family!
Nicole Sender on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my awesome grandsons!
Nicole Sender on January 5, 2015 15:43
Michelle C on January 5, 2015 15:43
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Michelle C on January 5, 2015 15:43
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Bailey Dexter on January 5, 2015 15:43
This holiday season I’m most grateful for my first grand baby! They are flying up for his first Christmas!!!!!
Allie on January 5, 2015 15:43
my family
Allie on January 5, 2015 15:43
my family.
Allie on January 5, 2015 15:43
I am a facebook fan