Post-Valentine's Day Cheer - Books & Buttons Give-Away! February 16, 2012 13:19 29 Comments
{**UPDATE** Using to generate a random number, the winner is Susan who posted on February 16th. Susan, please contact me at with your details. Thanks for entering everyone - I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED reading your posts! :D I will be hosting another give-away soon! xo}
I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day (whether you're a fan of the holiday or not)! Any holiday that fills the world with hearts is an awesome one in my book! I spent the evening teaching my Greeting Card Design class at the School of Visual Arts but I ♥ my students so that's ok, right?
For those of you who missed my last give-away on the wanart facebook page, I'm going to spread a little post-Valentine's Day cheer by throwing another one right now on this blog! Just comment below (or on the facebook link relating to this blog post) and tell me what the best thing was about your Valentine's Day. Even if it was just sitting at home eating leftovers while watching Cupcake Wars - I want to know! I will randomly pick one winner on Friday, February 24th at 10am to win a set of my signed board books YOU ARE MY CUPCAKE and WE BELONG TOGETHER along with a set of 24 pinback buttons as in the photo! Good luck! xo-Joyce

p.s. I posted this new drawing on facebook but wanted to post it here as well because it is inspired by all of you!

Danielle on January 5, 2015 15:39
The best thing about my Valentine’s Day was that I had the day off from work! I had taken off for a separate reason, but then I realized that it was Valentine’s. I’m going to be celebrating with my boyfriend this upcoming weekend, we couldn’t do anything on the 14th because we’re long distance. Also—thanks for the giveaway!
Christine {Pure Joy Events} on January 5, 2015 15:39
Love, love your work Joyce! One of the things I enjoyed most about Valentine’s Day was not having to cook dinner. The handmade card from my kids was really sweet too.
Jessica on January 5, 2015 15:39
I had a delicious dinner with my valentine at Kum Gang San, it was so tasty! :) Happy belated Vday Joyce!
Cindy on January 5, 2015 15:39
I love these books! and your classes : )
Best part of Valentine’s Day — My husband made me a Valentine’s card he painted in watercolor. It was really sweet. He makes me one every year and I always look forward to it and try to catch him making it but I never do.
Claire on January 5, 2015 15:39
Best part of my valentine’s day was being able to just look at all the other happy couples and smile for them (I am obviously single……)
Crystal on January 5, 2015 15:39
Your cards are my favorite the only ones I send out. Love is spread exponentially through your art.
Susan on January 5, 2015 15:39
Spent the night with my two kids (8 months and 2 yrs old)! Enjoyed reading, cuddling and playing with balloons. It’s amazing to see how simple pleasures can make all of us so happy!
Carolyn on January 5, 2015 15:39
The best part of my Valentine’s Day was laughing SO hard with my loved ones: tears, side aches, and all things happy.
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Danielle, what a wonderful coincidence! Enjoy your love-filled weekend! ♥
Christine, thanks so much! Handmade anything from kids are the best – so loving and heartfelt! :)
Jessica, I LOVE Korean food…yum!
Cindy, thanks! That’s SO sweet of him! Enjoy your vacation! :)
Claire, I loved seeing all the men in the streets holding flowers and balloons…that made me smile too. SO cute!
Crystal, awww thanks so much! You are so kind! It’s comments like yours that motivate me to keep creating! xo
Susan, that sounds absolutely lovely. It’s always the simple moments we share with the ones we love that make up the sweetness of life. :)
Carolyn, that sounds wonderful! Laughter is truly medicine for the soul – luckily it’s contagious! :)
Kevin on January 5, 2015 15:39
The best part of my Valentine’s day was the look of surprise on my fiance’s face after I showed up to her work with flowers in hand instead of having them delivered like I usually do. Gotta save the money where I can for the honeymoon!
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Kevin, aww that’s sweet and so much more personal! She is one lucky lady! ;)
Tracy on January 5, 2015 15:39
Just saw your books at B&N and needed to see more! I mentioned the together book to my SIL and she had already seen it and loved it :) I am a crafter and your images would be so cute as rubber stamps!! (tshirts!) You should consider it! My son celebrated his first V-day with the parents,grandparents,and uncle. Was perfect.:) He would love the board books and the buttons would go to mom. ;) thanks for holding the giveaway!
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Tracy, thank you for all the suggestions! Your son’s first Valentine’s surrounded by all his loved ones sounds so special. ♥
Alice on January 5, 2015 15:39
The best thing about my Valentine’s Day was it was the first one with my HUSBAND! So happy to be married to my best friend!
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Alice, what a special milestone! Wishing you two many, many more Valentine’s Days together! ♥
Eleanor on January 5, 2015 15:39
The best thing about my Valentine’s day was spending the evening with my boyfriend. He made me the funniest Valentines card, surprised me with a cute lil orchid plant and took me out for Thai food. I sent him one of your ecards from your and he loved it… it was the one with the 2 fishy’s. Thanks for having another giveaway! Love Love Love your work, wish there was more Wanart products in Canada.
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Eleanor, you and your boyfriend sound too cute and you are so kind! Thank you for all the encouraging words. xoxo
Cecilia on January 5, 2015 15:39
Two days before valentine’s day, I found a new man in my life: my newborn son. Two days later, Tommy Toes came home with me and my husband from the hospital. Bringing him back to our house was the best valentine’s day present a girl could ask for.
Cecilia on January 5, 2015 15:39
PS – we have a Wanart tiger onesie for our daughter that we bought from a street fair two years ago in NYC. She’s long since outgrown it, but it’s framed in her room now. Can’t wait to get the little man his dragon one!
Colette on January 5, 2015 15:39
I took a photoshoot of my dolls making valentine’s that were decorated with Wanart buttons! You can see them at: I gave them to all my friends and everyone wanted to know where I got the adorable buttons!
My Valentine’s Day was great because my partner surprised me with a big, pink balloon bouquet. Of course, our silly cats already ate half the ribbon on the balloons, but the balloons are still going strong, bobbing along our ceiling!
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Cecilia, congratulations on your new little man! What a special Valentine’s Day that must have been for the family. Wow, you have a tiger AND a dragon on your hands now – what a fierce little brood! ♥
Colette, what beautiful Valentines and that looked SOOO fun! A balloon bouquet sounds so wonderfully delightful! Thank you for the kind words! xo
Margaret Pope-Rainey on January 5, 2015 15:39
The best part of my Valentine’s Day was making cookies with my son Camden. He’s 13 months & loves to “help” me cook…which pretty much consists of sticking his fingers in the colored sugar & licking them :)
I actually gave him your “You Are My Cupcake” book for his Valentine’s Day gift! He loves it and points to each picture. His nickname is Peanut so he points to that page and then points to himself. But the last page is his favorite! We tell him “eat you up” and pretend to eat the back of his neck…he just cracks up!!! We must have read your adorable little book 100 times this week.
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Margaret, thank you for the kind words. I am so happy that the book is bringing so much joy to your family. Reading that your little peanut points to himself when you get to the peanut page made me smile. xo
Diane Au on January 5, 2015 15:39
best part of my valentine’s was having my future hubby show up at my work and take me out to lunch. :)
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Diane, I love surprises! That was so sweet of him. :)
Bli on January 5, 2015 15:39
Like most of my single friends, I use to dread Valentine’s day. haha. But it all changed after I met my awesome girlfriend. For Valentines we went out for dinner and shared some laughs. My girlfriend is a big fan of your work and sent me one of your ecards.
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Billy, that’s so cute! That sounded like a perfect Valentine’s Day! Much love to you and your girlfriend! xo
wanart on January 5, 2015 15:39
Using to generate a random number, the winner is Susan who posted on February 16th. Susan, please contact me at with your details. Thanks for entering everyone – I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED reading your posts! :D I will be hosting another give-away soon! xo
Val on January 5, 2015 15:39
I had sent my husband to Las Vegas for his birthday, so he was away on Valentines.
However, I bought fresh made mochi filled with chololate filling w/ peanut butter chips AND some filled with Oreo Cookies to share with my son home with me. We surely enjoyed them!
Have a great husband so – I have VAL entines every week. (This year makes 40 years.)
Thanks for your cute cards. Sent out the Lion Dance – Chinese New Year greeting ones.