Winners & National Stationery Show 2011 May 23, 2011 13:32
A quick announcement in case you missed it on our Wanart Facebook Page, the 3 winners of the Kiwi and Pear button set were: Claire Pan, Reni Sumpter and Sky Rowan! Thanks to all those who entered - you guys are awesome! Don't worry if you didn't win - I am planning to have more contests soon! :D
Last week the National Stationary Show was in town! I chose not to exhibit this year (see me at New York Gift Show in August instead!) as I am trying to channel some of my creative energy into books right now but that show in particular has a special place in my heart because it is where I launched my company Wanart back in 2003 and exhibited for 6 years! The National Stationery Show was eye candy central with so many gorgeous designs, products, and booths. The Javits Center was bursting at the seams with creativity!
The conference opened with keynote speaker Seth Godin, best-selling author of 13+ books, marketing entrepreneur and 'agent-of-change'. His book Purple Cow was one of the first books I read when I started Wanart and it changed the way I thought about business and everything I do really - I've been hooked ever since. A few "Sethisms" he stressed during his talk: * Art = solving a problem in a new way. * Make something worth talking about. * Ideas that spread, win... I love that guy!
To leave you with some eye candy, this year the National Stationery Show, in partnership with retailer Kate's Paperie, presented the exhibit "Paper Runway" a collection of one-of-a-kind paper dresses and accessories (made completely out of paper products—gift wrap, ribbons, and greeting cards) created by some of today's cutting-edge fashion designers such as Lela Rose, Susan Woo, and Yeohlee along with visual merchandising and design students from New York City's LIM College. Here were some of my favorites!
GORGEOUS huh??? I WANT those dresses - who cares if they aren't practical in the rain! ;)
As always - love, hugs, and happiness!
xoxo, Joyce